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January 27, 2022 at 5:26 am #2783rosenal@ucalgary.caParticipant
Dear Colleagues,
The Creating Space 12 Conference Planning Committee is pleased to announce further details, specifically regarding:
• Keynote speakers
• Student opportunity
• Music events invitationCall for Submissions – Creating Space 12
Thursday to Saturday, April 21 to 23, 2022
Calgary, Alberta, CanadaUpdated Announcement
Will it be a hybrid or purely virtual conference?
We continue to hope for a hybrid conference with substantial in-person activities. But we are monitoring the pandemic situation and associated clinical and travel impacts. A final decision will be announced in February.
All Our Communities: Relationships and Relationality in Healthcare
During the last year our sense of connectedness — with each other, our communities, our patients and colleagues, teachers and students, our homes and workplaces, and the larger web of societal systems within which we are immersed — has deepened and expanded in some ways, and also been challenged in other ways. As we continue in this fraught time, hopefully to emerge soon, we invite reflection, inquiry, critical dialogue, proposed solutions, and communication concerning how our relationships have been ruptured, retained, re-imagined, and reformed. Within these changes, how do we understand relationality itself within healthcare practice and teaching? How do the humanities contribute to, and trouble relationships in medical contexts? How does medical practice challenge our understanding of our relationships, including our relationship with our own self? How do our relationships with the larger world, culture, environment, societies, and climate impact our health and the way we relate to and engage the healing arts? We encourage proposals from a wide range of perspectives and disciplines: creative, critical, and practical, to reflect and converse with us on these questions and themes.
We are planning for an in-person conference enhanced by virtual access to select events. In the unfortunate circumstance of another wave of Covid-19 or other need for pandemic restrictions, we will accommodate by moving more events to a virtual space.
Keynote Speakers
Jennifer Buchanan, MBA, MTA. Tune In: Find the Music you Need Amongst all the Noise
Jennifer Buchanan’s company, JB Music Therapy (JBMT), has been instrumental in the implementation of hundreds of music therapy programs throughout Canada since 1991, and has been thrice nominated for the Community Impact Award by the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. JBMT is a team of 18 Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) serving all ages in medical, education and community care settings. In her latest book, Wellness, Wellplayed: The Power of a Playlist, Jennifer offers readers an accessible and approachable path to crafting a healing and helpful soundscape all their own.
Joel Carter, MD, Interdisciplinary Artist. The Art & Sacred Space of Our Stories: The Search for Balance and Connection in an Age of Chaos & Upheaval
Joel Carter is a Palliative Care Specialist, as well as an author, speaker, storyteller and artist. Carter transitioned to Palliative Care in 2002 after receiving a Fellowship from the Archibald Bush Foundation to pursue interests in End of Life Medicine and Physician Leadership. He completed his fellowship at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard University. He practices in Minneapolis where he speaks on topics related to quality of life, lessons his patients have shared with him on life’s meaning and purpose, and the integration of creative art processes with healing arts practice. Joel was a featured speaker at the Winnipeg TEDx ‘Forward Think’ June 2017 conference and was named by Minnesota Monthly as Best Doctor 2015 through 2021. His book, Rockpeople – Beyond Chester Creek, which explores life’s depths, the quest for balance, and the broken parts of the human journey, remains a bone fide regional hit.
Opportunity for students
The Peterkin Brett-MacLean Prize for best presentation by an undergraduate or graduate student or resident whose oral presentation/paper, poster, performance or installation. Certificate and $500 prize. Details of eligibility on CAHH website.
Music events invitation
The CS12 planning committee would like to make a special callout for presentations or panels with a focus on the intersection of music, health and well-being in alignment with the conference theme of All our Connections: Relationships and Relationality. Accepted submissions will form a music symposium within the conference. As well, the Friday evening event at CS will be a formal music performance for the enjoyment of all conference attendees.
We invite CS participants with a special interest in music and health humanities to a Thursday evening small group, hands on, participation-based music workshop. However, the format requires us to limit the number of spaces. If you are interested in attending Thursday, please email splamond@ucalgary.ca, copy michaelf@ualberta.ca and describe your connection to music and health humanities. We will then confirm your attendance as space allows!
Appel de propositions – Creating Space 12
Du jeudi 21 avril au 23 avril 2022
Calgary (Alberta)Toutes nos collectivités: des relations et de la relationnalité en soins de santé
Durant l’année passée, notre sens d’interdépendance—au niveau des individus, de nos communatés, de nos patients et collègues, de nos enseignants et étudiants, et de nos foyers et lieux de travail, ainsi que les réseaux des systèmes sociaux dans lesquels nous sommes entrelacés—a été enrichi dans une certaine façon, mais au même temps a été menacé par d’autres considérations. Pendant que nous poursuivons ce long chemin dans cette période tendue—en espérant que la lumière au bout du tunnel arrive dès que possible—nous invitons des réflexions, des enquêtes, du dialogue critique et des solutions proposées au sujet de nos relations: particulièrement comment celles-ci ont été brisées, conservées, réinventées, et reformées. Avec ces changements, comment comprenons-nous la relationnalité aux contextes de la pratique et de la pédagogie des soins de santé? Comment les sciences humaines peuvent-elles contribuer—et remettre en question—des relations humaines aux contextes médicaux? Comment la pratique clinique conteste-t-elle notre comprehension des relations humaines, y compris celles-là avec nous-mêmes? Notre rapport avec le monde, la culture, l’environnement, les societies, et le climat, comment influence-t-il la santé et la manière dans laquelle nous nous engageons à l’art de guérir? Pour répondre à ces questions, pour réfléchir à ces thèmes, et pour considérer ensemble comment agir, nous invitons des propositions provenant des perspectives mulitples et des domaines de recherche divers: créatives, critiques, et pratiques.
Nous prévoyons une conférence en personne, augmentée par accès virtuel aux événements particuliers. Cependant, en cas d’une éventuelle vague ultérieure du coronavirus ou la nécessité d’autres restrictions liées à la pandémie actuelle, nous sommes prêts à modifier l’horaire tel que des événements supplémentaires seront offerts en format virtuel.
Abstract Guidelines and InformationTypes of Proposals
• Research presentation: 30 minutes (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions)
• Novel humanities educational experiences: 30 minutes (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions)
• Panel presentation: 60 minutes (40 minutes plus 20 minutes for questions)
• Workshop: 60 minutes (maximum of 25% didactic teaching).
• Pecha Kucha: 20 slides with 20 seconds each slide
• Performance: 30 minutes
• Poster/display presentationsPlease submit your abstract at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cs12
(If you have never submitted via Easychair before, you will need to create an account).Abstracts are to be written in English or French and be no longer than 250 words (not including works cited).
• Deadline for submissions midnight Mountain time, February 4, 2022
• Notification regarding acceptance February 28, 2022Conference registration
• Fees include membership in CAHH for 2022.
o Clinician or Academic $250.
o Non-MD Health Professional $150
o Artists and Learners, $25
o Fees may be waived if you are in financial straits – please contact Planning Committee
• Please register at https://www.cahh.ca/new-products/creating-space-12-registration
• Registration opens Feb 1, 2022.
• Conference Proceedings will be distributed to registrants, CAHH members, and published on the CAHH website, but will not be indexed (e.g., Web of Science, Scopus).
• Credits for professional development will be sought from the Canadian College of Family Physicians and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.Questions? Email to creatingspace12calgary@gmail.com
Informations sur les abrégés
Types de propositions
Les abrégés peuvent être présentés dans les formats suivants:
• Présentation de recherche: 30 minutes (20 minutes plus 10 minutes pour questions)
• Expériences innovantes en pédagogie des humanités: 30 minutes (20 minutes plus 10 minutes pour questions)
• Table ronde ou panel: 60 minutes (40 minutes plus 20 minutes pour questions)
• Atelier: 60 minutes (maximum 25% en format didacte)
• Pecha Kucha: 20 diapositives, 20 secondes par diapo
• Performance: 30 minutes
• Présentation par afficheVeuillez cliquer https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cs12 pour soumettre votre abrégé. (Si c’est la première fois que vous utilisez le système EasyChair, il faut créer un compte.)
Les abrégés doivent être rédigés en anglais or français et sont limités à 250 mots (références non comprises).
Dates limites
• Soumettre vos propositions avant 23h59 (HNR) le 4 février 2022.
• Il est prévu que les décisions concernant l’acceptation des propositions seront communiquées le 28 février 2022.Inscription à la conférence
• Frais d’inscription (y compris l’adhésion à l’ACSHS pour 2022)
o Clinicien ou universitaire $250
o Professionnel de la santé (non-médecin) $150
o Artistes, étudiants, residents, doctorants $25
o Dans le cas des difficultés financières, il est possible que les frais d’inscription soient supprimés. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez contacter le comité organisateur par courriel à creatingspace12calgary@gmail.com.
• Veuillez vous enregistrer https://www.cahh.ca/new-products/creating-space-12-registration
• Il est prévu que l’inscription à la conférence débutera le 1er février 2022.
• Les actes de conférence seront distribués aux inscrits et aux membres de l’ACSHS ainsi que mis en ligne du site web de l’ACSHS. Cependant, ils ne seront pas indexés (par ex., Web of Science, Scopus).
• Des crédits de perfectionnement professional permanent seront demandés au Collège des médecins de famille du Canada ainsi qu’au Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada.Questions? Veuillez nous joindre à creatingspace12calgary@gmail.com.
The Canadian Association for Health Humanities exists to promote the exchange of ideas and critical dialogue among scholars and practitioners, as well as foster collaborative explorations nationally and internationally. Through meetings, publications and related activities, CAHH seeks to facilitate initiatives as well as interdisciplinary, cross-professional inquiry into research and educational practices relevant to the health humanities.
L’Association canadienne des sciences humaines en santé vise à promouvoir l’échange d’idées, à instaurer un dialogue critique entre chercheurs, enseigenants et cliniciens, tout en faciltant les initiatives de collaboration tant à l’échelle nationale qu’internationale. Au moyen de rencontres, de publications et d’activités, l’ACSHS s’engage à soutenir les initiatives de collaboration interdisciplinaires et interprofessionelles tant en matière de recherche que d’enseignement qui visent l’intégration des sciences humaines et sociales au sein des professions de la santé.
Creating Space 12 organizing committee
Bernice Fonseka, Graham McCaffrey, Heather Huston, Janet de Groot, Jennifer Leason, Laurie Pereles, Martina Kelly, Mary Wallis, Michael Frishkopf, Oswald Chen, Pam Brett-MacLean, Stephanie Plamondon. Tinu Ruparell, Tom RosenalComité organisateur de la conférence Creating Space 12
Bernice Fonseka, Graham McCaffrey, Heather Huston, Janet de Groot, Jennifer Leason, Laurie Pereles, Martina Kelly, Mary Wallis, Michael Frishkopf, Oswald Chen, Pam Brett-MacLean, Stephanie Plamondon. Tinu Ruparell, Tom Rosenal -
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