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Connections in Narrative Medicine: Columbia University – Virtual – 17th January at 12:00 EST

Join our next Virtual Group Session in English this Friday, January 17th at 12pm EST:

Our schedule will be different each week as we schedule with our volunteer facilitators, so be sure to follow along here and at our blog!

For updates and additional content, follow our blog for Connections in Narrative Medicine:

Virtual Group Sessions

When registering for sessions, you will receive an email confirmation with the password and link to join. Please be sure to save this email for access at the time of the meeting. You can register up to 15 minutes before the start of the session, after which registrations may not be approved for security reasons.

Schedule for Upcoming Sessions

Friday, January 17th at 12pm EST (Session in English)

Please note: All are welcome for our English and additional language sessions!

EST = Eastern Standard Time.

**Please be sure to check this time zone converter to confirm any time differences**

Check our blog for additional details. Each session will be led by trained narrative medicine facilitators and will offer group connection and reflection through a text, image, or music. Groups will read and examine the work closely and discuss what we see, with the facilitators offering guidance and background. There will be opportunities for reflective writing and sharing what is written. We hope these hour-long sessions might offer a moment of solace and space, along with an opportunity for reflection and connection with others. Columbia University makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities. If you require disability accommodations for a session, please contact Disability Services at 212-854-2388 or at at least 10 days in advance of the event. We will do our best to arrange accommodations received after this deadline but cannot guarantee them. If you have questions, email us at

Be sure to follow our social media links for future updates, as well as our blog.

We will continue to update all of you on these opportunities to come together for restoration and reflection, and we hope that these spaces of connection may continue to be of help to our community. If you have questions, email us at Wishing you all the best in health and safety!
The Narrative Medicine Team

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