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As an indicator that the medical/ health humanities culture is developing academically in its focus upon improving medical and healthcare education (and then patient care and safety), these new books have recently been published.


Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities Series: 

4141jhQM3kL._AA160_Medicine, Health and the Arts: Approaches to the Medical Humanities
Routledge 2013

Victoria Bates, Alan Bleakley and Sam Goodman (Eds.)  




41nE-W5qKRL._AA160_Medical Humanities and Medical Education: How the medical humanities can shape better doctors 
Routledge 2015 (due March 17th)
Alan Bleakley

Therese Jones, Delese Wear and Lester Friedman (Eds.)



51AzIMmkKDL._AA160_Health Humanities Reader 
Rutgers University Press 2014

Paul Crawford, Brian Brown, Charley Baker, Victoria Tischler and Brian Abrams




41f7vRNy5EL._AA160_Health Humanities 
Palgrave Macmillan 2015






UnknownHealth Humanities
Cambridge University Press 2015

Thomas R Cole, Nathan S Carlin & Ronald A Carson





Look out for:

Keeping Reflection Fresh

Allan Peterkin and Pamela Brett-Maclean (Eds.)

Due soon/ details will be posted



Perspectives in Medical Humanities publishes scholarship produced or reviewed under the auspices of the University of California Medical Humanities Consortium, a multi-campus collaborative of faculty, students and trainees in the humanities, medicine, and health sciences. Our series invites scholars from the humanities and health care professions to share narratives and analysis on health, healing, and the contexts of our beliefs and practices that impact biomedical inquiry. The series is made possible by a grant from the UC Office of the President, support from the Dean of Medicine at UCSF, and the Center for Humanities and Health Sciences at UCSF.

Paul Macneill (ed.) 2015. Ethics and the Arts. Springer.

Paul’s edited book is a must, breaking new ground in considering the relationship between ethics (as aesthetics) and the co

Paul Macneill