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COVID Vaccination
Making a Decision
Draw to Decide

This is a FREE workshop with a particular focus on exploring our questions about COVID-19 vaccination. Thinking through Drawing Educators are teaming up with artist / retired microbiologist Dr Angela-Hodgson-Teall, to calmly explore the ins and outs of the COVID vaccine.

Are you or someone you know unsure or anxious about receiving the vaccination? Do you need more information in order to make your decision?

Please join us in a safe, non-judgmental space online to draw together, to weigh up pros and cons and to help separate fact from fiction. Drawing can help bridge the gap between scientific facts and our understanding of the complexity of human existence, in body and mind. Drawing may help plug holes in knowledge and perception so that we make the best decision possible for each one of us, in our own particular circumstances.

Angela writes:
‘I have 26 years experience as a consultant microbiologist in SE London. A comment by my GP made me realise that my vulnerability to COVID was shared by many others. My training as an artist and my PhD research on empathy in medicine, conducted in the hospital where I worked as a doctor, made me realise that I might have something to offer, using drawing to help others think calmly about their vaccination decision.’

Thinking through DrawingDirectors Michelle Fava & Angie Brew will facilitate decision-making, using established Problem Solving / Decision Making protocols.

All are welcome. Please share this invitation with anyone who might be interested.

Looking forward to drawing together on January 16th

Angela Hodgson-Teall,  Angie Brew & Michelle Fava
Thinking through Drawing

FREE tickets here or RSVP to

Please join our new Facebook group Vaccinate? Draw to Decide

This is a safe space to discuss and draw your anxieties, concerns, fears, uncertainty about Covid vaccination. We recognise that it is a complex and personal decision, and want to open up a non-judgemental pressure-free space for discussion. Drawing can help to explore feelings and problems in a non-polemical way


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