Our Opening Seminar this year, Zoom and in-person in the Galbraith Room, Long Room Hub, TCD, Thursday 26th Oct, 1-2pm, is to be given by Professor Kimberly Campanello (University of Leeds) who will read from recent work on her experience of chronic illness and disability and discuss her writing process and approach with reference to key touchstones, including Dante’s acedia, Proust’s corked wall and ill objects, and Alison Kafer’s ‘crip time’.
Kimberly Campanello is best known for MOTHERBABYHOME, a 796-page visual poetry-object and reader’s edition book (zimZalla, 2019), and sorry that you were not moved (2022), an interactive digital poetry publication produced in collaboration with Christodoulos Makris and Fallow Media. She is an inaugural Markievicz Award winner from Ireland’s Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Arts Council, and she represented the UK in Munich at Klang Farben Text: Visual Poetry for the 21st Century, a festival organised by the British Council, the National Poetry Library, and Lyrik Kabinett. New poems have appeared in Granta, Poetry Review, Cambridge Literary Review, The White Review, and Poetry Ireland Review. New prose features in Tolka and in Somesuch Stories. She was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s in 2021 (age 43) and was awarded a Developing Your Creative Practice Grant by Arts Council England to support her writing of chronic illness and disability. She is Professor of Poetry at the University of Leeds.Chair, Dimitra Xidous, Trinity Haus, TCD; Discussant, Dr Anna McDonough, TCD/Tallaght University Hospital
This is a hybrid event; in-person attendance is limited. To access online: Join Zoom meeting at this link: https://tcd-ie.zoom.us/j/96691854089?pwd=NVhIcTJmZklGbTN1Y3Mwb3M5OGh0QT09#success (Meeting ID: 966 9185 4089/Passcode: 060417)
Best wishes
Profs Desmond (Des) O’Neill and Mary Cosgrove, Co-Chairs; Shelby Zimmerman, Programme Coordinator
Medical and Health Humanities,
Trinity Long Room Hub